Friday, August 18, 2006

S K A T T E R B R A I N: Totally Twee Super Summer Mega Mix

As some of you may know, I've been twee-curious lately.

Here's a good summer mix tape by blogger Skatterbrain.

btw, how many of you would be down wiht .zip versions of the mix cds?

S K A T T E R B R A I N: Totally Twee Super Summer Mega Mix: "Okay, so I'm aware that Summer's beginning to wind down, but I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet. I've created a mix, using the most special of ingredients, known to be very powerful against the threat of fall and it's plans to overtake Summer. Join me in listening to this mix all day long and riding Summer out as long as we can! P.S. It's not all twee, but most of it is, so whatever. You can download the big boy .ZIP file, or if you're into having yourself a buffet, you can download all songs seperately below.

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