Friday, August 11, 2006

Pitchfork: Track Reviews

Pitchfork media will occasionally get some things right. Broken clock, etc.

Pitchfork: Track Reviews: "First things first: No, they're not, but you have to admit that the trochaic bounce of 'Barcelona' rolls off the tongue more sweetly than 'J�nk�ping,' and rolling sweetly is this Swedish pansy-pop ensemble's bread-and-Kaviar-fish-paste. Like Barthelme's Paraguay, theirs is not the Barcelona that exists on maps. In this Barcelona, sun-kissed guitars and punchy horns double the melodic potency of fresh-faced 'tra-la-la's, and a song needs no more occasion than its possibility: 'I'm gonna sing this song with all of my friends/ And we're I'm From Barcelona.' In this Barcelona, the meta-conceit comes off less pomo than just honest, couched in such a sumptuous lilt and fueled by mutual adoration. In this Barcelona, cute girls euphorically harmonize with relatively heinous boys in kitschy cardigans and balding mullets, while just off camera, someone with a horrible mustache is saying 'watch the birdie.' (No, really-- peep the video.)"

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