Monday, August 14, 2006

Daily EP, track 2

Admit it: there's a certain part of you that loves Arena football, tiger striped gym wear and the guitar-shaped synthesizer.

Sometimes, it's ok to shine. Today, it's ok to snarl.

Can't decide if this is meant for a space-fight scene in an animé film, or something much more subversive.

DOWNLOAD: Ratatat - Wildcat (E*Vax mix)
Pitchfork: Ratatat: "Wildcat" [Track Review]: "Ratatat's four-minute bursts of glitter and pyrotechnics can impel even the pithiest of writers to Spiro Agnew-caliber adjective abuse, and each adjective walks hand in hand with its foil. 'Wildcat', a tensely chilled-out creeper, is no exception. It's concise and expansive, hard rock and hip hop, pop and prog, mechanical and lush. Subtle yet overstated: In case the title doesn't sufficiently establish the track's domain, fierce panther snarls periodically slash through the sleek pounce.

Of course, all this dense neon foliage comprises a dual image, sprawling city and untamed wilds equally teeming with life. Dreamy electro shimmers blur through the percussion's spitting rain; a flashy guitar lick stutters and weeps; rubber-band bass smartly stretches and retracts. Revving whooshes and echoing flutters puff up like turf under high-velocity turns. And that's just the first half, before a banner-waving synth lead and ripped funk rhythm crank up, and the jungle bursts into flames."

My Epidimology: vague remembrances of their remix work (Jay-Z to underground synth bands), this Pitchfork review and others.

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