Monday, September 25, 2006

Took an hour break yesterday and walked around the Abbot Kinney Festival. Found these guys playing and followed them around laughing and dancing.

They're like March 4th, but, um, crazier and more ramshackle with their instrumentation. " About superbroke
United in the attempt to uphold the rights of every citizen of this Earth to create, to freely pursue, and to fulfill his or her destiny in this life and all others, and in order that each citizen of this Earth might freely endeavor to fully live in the now each and every now of his or her life, and that each and every being is availed ample space and opportunity to dance the dance of newandexcitingthings with the SuperFlow of the Universe, whom we adore, the league of superheroes known as The Superbroke Brass and Tin and Strings Electric Marching Band Ensemble pledges to battle the forces of oppression, deception, corruption, etc. collectively known as the Evil Anti-Groove, who is the bane of all things creative.

We stand for truth, justice, and the elevation of the human spirit. We believe in the SuperFlow of the Universe and in the pursuit of ones destiny as a means of participating in this SuperFlow. We believe in the power of laughter, spontaneity, and any gesture of love as a means of equalizing the Anti-Grooves nefarious influence in this world.

We believe in loosening the Sphincter of the world.

We pledge our assistance and offer our superpowers wherever the Evil Anti-Groove perpetuates injustice, oppresses the human spirit, or otherwise connives to disrupt the natural and precious Flow of the universe, amen.

The Superbroke Brass and Tin and Strings...'s Friend Space"

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